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T-SQL, which is used in Microsoft SQL Server, has many built-in functions. Understanding T-SQL functions is essential to anyone who wants to work with SQL Server. Data analysts use these functions to prepare accurate reports. SQL developers and software developers use them to write concise and readable queries. In both cases, T-SQL functions make it easier to get the right results!

The course offers 150 interactive exercises. You’ll read clear explanations on what each SQL Server function does, and then you’ll write your own T-SQL queries to solve realistic problems. The practice exercises are fun and engaging, and they’ll give you confidence in using T-SQL.

Try our T-SQL course and become proficient in SQL Server functions!

What Do You Need to Take This Course?

  • A web browser and an Internet connection
  • Some understanding of T-SQL, such as the concepts presented in our T-SQL Basics for SQL Server course*

This Course Will Teach You How To:

  • Recognize and work with text, numeric, and date and time data
  • Use SQL Server text functions to search, split, combine, and change strings
  • Perform complicated calculations with SQL Server numeric functions
  • Select the right T-SQL function to get and change date and time data
  • Handle NULLs safely and effectively
  • Change data from one data type to another in T-SQL

Plus, you'll get to practice your skills on 149 interactive exercises.

Who Should Take This Course?

  • Anyone who wants to learn about common SQL Server functions
  • Data analysts who need to create complex reports
  • SQL Server developers who want to become more proficient in SQL Server functions
  • Students taking classes in relational databases using SQL Server
  • People interviewing for jobs where they will work with SQL Server
  • Business SQL Server users who want to improve their query-writing skills

What's in it for me?

  • 149 interactive exercises. Learn at your own pace, from anywhere and anytime. Interact with hands-on exercises for improved retention.
  • Lifetime access to the course. When you purchase the course, you’ll get instant personal access to all of its content.
  • Certificate of completion. After you successfully finish all of the exercises, you’ll get a downloadable PDF certificate to showcase your accomplishment.
  • 30-day money back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with the quality of the course, you can get a refund within 30 days of your purchase.
  • Hints for the exercises. You can ask questions and share insights with other members of our community through the Disqus tab. You can also drop us a line directly, and we’ll be more than happy to answer! 😉

*The material in Common Functions in MS SQL Server is intended for intermediate users. To complete this course, you’ll need to know:

  • How to select from a single table, including writing complex WHERE conditions
  • How to JOIN tables
  • How GROUP BY and HAVING work

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    One to Rule 'Em All

    Includes 36 courses Python Basics. Part 1, Python Basics. Part 2, Python Basics. Part 3, Python Data Structures in Practice, Built-in Algorithms in Python, Working with Strings in Python, SQL Basics, SQL Practice Set, SQL JOINs, Standard SQL Functions, Creating Basic SQL Reports, Window Functions, Revenue Trend Analysis in SQL, How to INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE Data in SQL, Recursive Queries, Creating Tables in SQL, Statistics 101, SQL Basics in MS SQL Server, How to Insert, Update, or Delete Data in MS SQL Server, Common Functions in MS SQL Server, Revenue Trend Analysis in SQL Server, Creating Basic SQL Reports in SQL Server, Window Functions in MS SQL Server, Recursive Queries in MS SQL Server, GROUP BY Extensions in MS SQL Server, Introduction to Python for Data Science, How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python, How to Read and Write JSON Files in Python, SQL Basics in PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL JOINs, SQL Practice Set in PostgreSQL, Window Functions in PostgreSQL, Recursive Queries in PostgreSQL, Writing User-Defined Functions in PostgreSQL, PostGIS, How to Read and Write Excel Files in Python

    Bundle price $199

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    MS SQL Server Kit

    Includes 6 courses SQL Basics in MS SQL Server, How to Insert, Update, or Delete Data in MS SQL Server, Common Functions in MS SQL Server, Window Functions in MS SQL Server, Recursive Queries in MS SQL Server, GROUP BY Extensions in MS SQL Server

    Bundle price $119

    39 hours left at this price!

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    Table of contents

    Progress: 0% completed 0 of 149 exercises done

    1. Intro Quiz

    In this course, we assume you know the basics of T-SQL: selecting information from a single table, joining queries, and grouping results. Take the test to see if you know SQL Server well enough to continue with the course.

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    0% completed 0 of 7 exercises done

    2. String functions

    Learn the basic SQL Server text functions to transform text values and make your reports look pretty.

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    0% completed 0 of 30 exercises done

    3. Numeric functions

    Master numeric functions in SQL Server. Learn about the caveats of mathematical operators in T-SQL, various rounding functions, and computing proportions.

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    0% completed 0 of 27 exercises done

    4. Date and time

    Study date and time functions and learn how to select events from a period of time.

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    0% completed 0 of 54 exercises done

    5. Other T-SQL Functions

    Learn about SQL Server functions working with NULLs and other useful functions.

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    0% completed 0 of 19 exercises done

    6. Final quiz

    Check your knowledge of SQL Server functions in this quiz.

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    0% completed 0 of 12 exercises done


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