Data Analyst to Data Scientist: A New Skill Set for a New Future

Will robots replace humans in the near future? As machine learning and artificial intelligence continue to grow in popularity, this question becomes all the more relevant. Which jobs will become extinct, and what will society looks like in the future? If you’re a data analyst whose worried about their job security, don’t worry—there’s still hope for you! In this article, we’ll take a look at the skills a data analyst can acquire to become a data scientist and rise above these pesky robots 🙂
New Vertabelo Academy Course: Learn R with Introduction to R
Unlock the potential of data! With this course, you’ll learn about data analytics, data science, statistical analysis, and functions in the R programming language.
This course is perfect for people who have no prior knowledge of computer science or R programming. With "Introduction to R", you’ll learn to work in the R programming language as you enter the promising world of data science.
Why R is so famous According to the TIOBE programming community index, which ranks the popularity of all programming languages, R is one of the hottest programming languages of 2018.
More Than Just Coding – IT Community Involvement
There are many perceptions of IT, one of the fastest growing industries in the world. For a non-technical person, IT is usually associated with high salaries, numerous job offers, and elite clubs. But IT is more than just people earning big bucks for writing code. The most valuable part of the IT industry is its community.
The first steps are the hardest As a complete IT newbie, I had lots of doubts and fears about entering the IT industry.
Short Guide to Most Popular Database Administration Certifications
As an ambitious database administrator, you want to get ahead of the crowd and expand your knowledge. The best way to do that is to get certified in the technology you’re working with. This article and infographic will guide you through the most popular database administrator certifications on the market today.
If you’re here, you’re passionate about working with databases, like many other IT professionals. Being a database administrator (DBA) will open up an IT field of pure engineering, with little consideration of the business side of your organization.
DBAs: Why Use Scrum?
Are you the type of database administrator who organizes files by folder? Do you have a folder full of sorted folders? If so, then scrum is the right methodology for you.
A database administrator (DBA) is an essential member of any IT team. DBAs create, maintain, and secure an organization’s database, in addition to overseeing user rights assignment, backups, querying, and database tuning.
You need specialized training and technical expertise to manage the specific RDBMS setup used by your organization (to understand what an RDBMS is, read on), along with a quirk for analytical thinking.
Agile Data Science: Improving Your Workflow with Scrum
Within organizations, Scrum promotes efficient time and process management along with better team building and leadership. In order to implement Scrum, you’ll need to follow a few simple rules.
Introducing Scrum Today, we have the power to collect precise data both quickly and in vast quantities. In fact, 90% of the data available today was collected in the last two years alone. The rise of big data has greatly increased demand for data scientists, but the profession is one where few candidates possess the right skills.
How It Works
Brush up on your data science and SQL skills with Vertabelo Academy’s interactive courses.
Why Vertabelo Academy? You get instant access to lessonsthat teach various concepts of SQL, data science, and programming in R (soon also in Python!). Our courses are appropriate for people who have no prior knowledge of computer science or programming. The only requirement is a web browser. No need to install databases, download example tables, or spend time inventing exercises for yourself.
Understanding Data: Mining Vs. Visualization
Here’s a reality check: Big Data has hit us like a speeding truck on the highway of business intelligence. In today’s digital age, we’re generating data about ourselves that were once considered private, and we’re doing it willingly!
From what we eat and wear to where we are at all times, nearly everything is now public knowledge. The data generated is a potential diamond mine for everyone in business, from one-person companies to Fortune 500 A-Listers alike, all thanks to the Internet.
How to Create Good Visuals
In this article, we’ll take a look at guidelines you should follow to create compelling visuals. Our goal is to learn how to effectively convey information through graphics.
Have you ever looked at raw data—spreadsheets of stray numbers—and struggled to make sense of it? We’ve all been there, but it’s no surprise—because the human brain processes visualizations and images 10,000 times faster than raw data. In fact, 80% of the information we absorb comes from visuals, and the remaining 20% is text.
Why Move Data from Excel to a Relational Database?
Excel allows business professionals to unlock the potential of their data – to a point. But when it comes to storing and manipulating large amounts of data, Excel can cause some problems.
Excel has many good points. It’s often used by specialists to work with data related to their particular field. But it can come with problems, such as sluggish performance and difficult team collaboration. Even worse, Excel is vulnerable to the most dreaded problem of all: the accidental deletion of important data.
How not to show data on a π chart
In this article, we’ll take a look at some of god-awful pie charts and hopefully learn a thing or two about good data visualization.
March 14th is also known as PI Day. Mathematicians rejoice! π is a constant — the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter — and it’s used in many different formulas. Baking and eating pies is super popular on this day — ’cause, you know, people just love their homophones.
Data Visualization for Your Business: Does it Really Matter?
Our world is bursting with data—the new digital age has dynamically inflated the volumes of data collected by businesses worldwide. By 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every person on the planet.
According to Forbes, The White House has already invested more than $200 million in big data projects.
Can you imagine that? Seriously!
Yet all the data that’s being generated by people, machines, online devices, and other sources doesn’t provide decision-makers with any valuable insights by itself.
My Very First Script
We recently published a story from a Vertabelo Academy user who found her love thanks to SQL. On a similar note, I asked my colleagues to bring back old memories of writing their very first scripts. And yes, love is involved.
Here at Vertabelo Academy, we’ve got some real OG programmers and data scientists making great content. They fell in love with data way before it was cool—and easy. So today, we’re jumping back in time to see what it was like to learn SQL before the Internet and Vertabelo Academy courses existed.
New Vertabelo Academy Course on Data Visualization: Share Your Insights With Everyone!
In today’s data-driven world, a good visualization goes a long way in helping people make sense of numbers.
Every day at the office, we’re working hard to create programming and data science content that is accessible to everyone. We aim to produce content that is easy to understand, primarily for people with no IT background. And you know what? Ironically, this stuff ain’t easy even if you’re an IT specialist!
They say that if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. At Vertabelo Academy, we strongly believe in this adage. We’re creating courses because it’s what we enjoy doing. We’re passionate about SQL and data science, and we want to deliver the best content possible in these domains.
To that end, we provide our users with practical modules because learning by doing is the best way to master a new skill.
Who Loves Whom?
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we discover which of Gary and Sara’s friends are in love – and how to use the SQL JOIN statement to work with data in multiple tables!
Did you know SQL is a matchmaker? That’s right; it loves to make data couples by linking information from two (or more!) tables using the JOIN statement. However, many SQL rookies run into problems using JOIN. So let’s go to a party and learn how to use JOIN the right way!
Introduction to ggplot2
Show, don’t tell! Share data insights in stunning color and display with ggplot2, a wonderful R package for visualizing data.
Ggplot2: Grammar of Graphics The end of qualitative data analysis should be clear—beautiful data visualizations. We are visual beings, after all, and a picture tells us far more than raw numbers! Among the many visualization tools, one in particular stands out : ggplot2—a free, open-source, and easy-to-use package that has become a favorite among many R programmers.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 24 (Final Call)
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end—this is your last query task for this season! We hope you’ve enjoyed the challenges so far. The good news, however, is that you got to practice your SQL skills. At this point, you’re only one step away from completing ourcrosswordand getting a Vertabelo Academy discount on a course of your choosing.
Task #24: How much did Santa Claus pay for each toy he purchased from the musiccategory?
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Get 25% OFF for Helping Santa (updated list of tasks)
Wanna be part of this year’s Christmas success? Santa needs your help organizing his Christmas deliveries. For this occasion, we’ve prepared a special Christmas database. While working on tasks, you’ll help Santa Claus deliver gifts to children.
For this upcoming Christmas, we’ve prepared a 24-Day SQL Advent challenge. From now until Christmas Eve, we’ll publish daily SQL tasks for you to complete. If you’ve completed or recently started our SQL Basics course, or if you already have basic SQL knowledge, then this event is perfect for you!
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 23
Task #23: Santa Claus ordered a gift for a particular child on December 12th, but that gift has not been delivered yet. Who is the child?
Answer 23 for the crossword: The child’s name.
Challenge Accepted? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks and practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 22
Task #22: Find the name of the toy that most children asked for in their letters. Select the toy name and the number of requests for this toy.
Answer 22 for the crossword: The toy name.
Challenge Accepted? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks and practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 21
Task #21: Santa Claus wants to buy some surprises for children from Argentina who either didn’t ask him for any toys or simply didn’t send him any letters. Help Santa Claus find the names of these children. Sort the records by child name in ascending order.
Answer 21 for the crossword: The name of the last child in the result set.
Challenge Accepted? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks and practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 20
Task #20: Retrieve the name of the child who did not write a letter to Santa and whose country name is composed of two words.
Answer 20 for the crossword: The child’s name.
Challenge Accepted!? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks and practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 19
Task #19: In which store did Santa Claus spend the most on gifts?
Answer 19 for the crossword: The second word in the store name.
Challenge Accepted? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks and practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 18
Task #18: How many letters were written by children from countries other than those in which there was at least one naughty child?
Answer 18 for the crossword: The number returned by the query, with the digits reversed.
Challenge Accepted? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks and practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 17
Task #17: Which children were naughty this year, and what countries are they from? Sort the records by country name in descending order and by child name in ascending order.
Answer 17 for the crossword: The name of the last child in the result set.
Challenge Accepted? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks and practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 16
Task #16: Retrieve the largest number of toys that children asked for on a particular day during the period from December 6, 2017 through December 16, 2017.
Answer 16 for the crossword: The number returned by your query.
Challenge Accepted? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks and practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 15
Task #15: What gifts did Santa Claus buy for children from the World of Sweets store? Sort the results by gift name in ascending order.
Answer 15 for the crossword: The name of the last gift in the result set.
Challenge Accepted? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks and practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 14
Task #14: Retrieve the names of all stores from which Santa Claus purchased gifts for children. Sort the results by store name in ascending order.
Answer 14 For the Crossword: The first word in the last store name of the result set.
Challenge Accepted? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks and practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 13
Task #13: By coincidence, all children who sent Santa a letter on December 14th asked for gifts from some categories. Determine names of these categories.
Answer 13 for the Crossword: Name of one of the categories.
Challenge Accepted? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks and practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 12
Task #12: Select the number of letters that Santa Claus received on each day of the period from December 1, 2017 through December 5, 2017.
Answer 12 For the Crossword: The spelled-out version of the number of letters Santa received on December 4th.
Challenge Accepted? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks and practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 11
Task 11: For each country in which at least one child forgot to ask Santa for a gift, select the country name and the number of letters children sent from that country. Sort the records by country name in ascending order.
Answer 11 for the Crossword: The name of the last country in the result set.
Ready to Challenge? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks or practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 10
Task 10: Which children wrote letters to Santa Claus but forgot to ask him for gifts? Retrieve the names of these children and the countries from which they come. Sort the records by child name in ascending order.
Answer 10 for the crossword: The name of the third child in the result set.
Ready to Challenge? Use the SQL Advent Challenge sandbox to solve tasks or practice writing all kinds of SQL queries.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 9
Task 9: Select the names of the countries from which Santa Claus received the most letters. You can use the result of the previous task to write your query.
Answer 9 for the crossword: The country name that is composed of one word.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 8
Task #8: What is the largest number of letters that Santa Claus received from among the various countries on his list?
Answer For the Crossword: The spelled-out version of the number your query returned.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 7
Task #7: Retrieve the names of countries from which there are no children on Santa Claus’s list. Sort the results by country name in ascending order.
Answer for the crossword: The name of the first country in the result set.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 7
Task #7: Retrieve the names of countries from which there are no children on Santa Claus’s list. Sort the results by country name in ascending order.
Answer for the crossword: The name of the first country in the result set.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 6
Task 6: How many letters did children from each country starting with the letter ‘P’ send to Santa Claus? Sort the records by country name in ascending order.
Answer for the crossword: The name of the last country in the result set.
New Vertabelo Academy Course: Learn How to Work with Spatial Data with PostGIS
Managing spatial data is useful but challenging – learn how to do it in PostgreSQL with our latest course.
At Vertabelo Academy, we believe that learning by doing is the best way to master a new skill. So we’re excited to introduce a new, easy-to-understand course in PostGIS. PostGIS is a spatial extension for object-relational PostgreSQL databases. It stores geographical data objects, allowing SQL queries to process them as they would other pieces of data.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 5
Task #5: Which children sent more than two letters to Santa Claus? Retrieve the children’s names, their country names, and the number of letters they sent. Sort the records by children’s names in ascending order.
Answer for the crossword: The name of the first child in the result set.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 5
Task #5: Which children sent more than two letters to Santa Claus? Retrieve the children’s names, their country names, and the number of letters they sent. Sort the records by children’s names in ascending order.
Answer for the crossword: The name of the first child in the result set.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 4
Task #4: How many letters did children from the United States, Canada, and Argentina write to Santa Claus? Select the names of these three countries and the number of letters their children sent. Sort the records by number of letters in ascending order.
Answer 4 for the Crossword: The name of the first country in the result set.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 3
Task #3: Select the names of all children who come from Chile.
Answer for the Crossword: The child’s name that is composed of the least number of letters.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 2
Task #2: Write a query that determines how many children come from the first country in the result set you obtained for the first task (all five-letter country names from the Santa Claus database, in ascending order). Display both the country name and the number of children who come from it.
For the Crossword: The name of the country.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 2
Task #2: Write a query that determines how many children come from the first country in the result set you obtained for the first task (all five-letter country names from the Santa Claus database, in ascending order). Display both the country name and the number of children who come from it.
For the Crossword: The name of the country.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 1
Task #1: Retrieve all five-letter country names from the Santa Claus database, and sort them in ascending order.
Answer For the Crossword: The name of the last country in the result set.
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Day 1
Task #1: Retrieve all five-letter country names from the Santa Claus database, and sort them in ascending order.
Answer For the Crossword: The name of the last country in the result set.
SQL Hacks To Control Family Budget On Black Friday Weekend
If you’re in the US, chances are you’ve been eagerly awaiting the approach of Black Friday just as much as Thanksgiving. Though the shopping frenzy takes hold of nearly everyone, some people have to stick to their budgets and shop prudently. In this article, we’ll take a look at how generating an SQL report can help you track how much your family spent shopping on Black Friday.
Storing Black Friday Purchases in a Database Before we can create an SQL report, we first need some data we can use.
Happy Thanksgiving! Using SQL to Prepare a Traditional Menu
Thanksgiving is a holiday many Americans celebrate with their families and friends, seated around a table loaded with a hearty feast. The most prominent of all dishes is, of course, the turkey. However, at least a few other specialties are also cooked for Thanksgiving. Do you find it hard to choose what to prepare? If so, we’ve got a solution for you: a special SQL query that will help you pick the best dishes.
SQL Crossword #1
How much SQL do you know? Test your knowledge with this crossword to find out!
Download SQL Crossword #1
Psst! Be the first to post your answer in the comment section belowand get 50% OFF on the selected course.