Tag: Vertabelo Academy Courses
Why Data Visualization Is Important: Two Perspectives

Have you ever wondered how you can deal with an overwhelming amount of data? How do you use it? How do you understand what it’s saying? And last but not least, how do you present your data to the world such that everyone understands your point? In this article, we’ll explore these questions to understand the importance of data visualization.
Where are the data? When I want someone to understand my perspective, I try to visualize it precisely so I can communicate my thoughts.
New Vertabelo Academy Course: Learn R with Introduction to R
Unlock the potential of data! With this course, you’ll learn about data analytics, data science, statistical analysis, and functions in the R programming language.
This course is perfect for people who have no prior knowledge of computer science or R programming. With "Introduction to R", you’ll learn to work in the R programming language as you enter the promising world of data science.
Why R is so famous According to the TIOBE programming community index, which ranks the popularity of all programming languages, R is one of the hottest programming languages of 2018.