Tag: Get Started
Higher Education–Universities or MOOCs?

You have probably heard about the concept of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in the last few years. It is an alternative to formal education and is seen by some as the way of the future. Have you taken an online interactive course? Have you tried to create one? In this article, I’ll describe my personal experience with MOOCs and how I grew from a student to a content creator.
Have You Completed a Vertabelo Academy Course? Tell Your Future Employer!
When searching for employees, employers usually look at social media profiles. LinkedIn is one of the most popular sites that employers check. We know it well at Vertabelo. That's why we’ve made it easier for our users to brag about what they've learned in our Academy. Here's a quick guide on how to do it, step by step.
We will go through an example using one of our basic courses—SQL Basic.
5 Ways Coding Skills Can Be Applied in Any Industry
Why coding is a vital skill no matter where you work. In 2019, more businesses than ever before are looking to hire smart, technologically proficient candidates. As advances in technology increase, a growing number of industries are relying on computer systems and software to help manage their data and achieve their goals, making coding skills more of a necessity than it has ever been.
Many people think that coding is a niche that only applies to specific tech-related jobs.
8 Most Common Programming Errors Made by Beginners
Learning to code can be fun and absorbing but it can also be a rocky road at first. If you have a feeling that your learning process could be faster and more efficient, take a look at this list of common programming mistakes. Maybe you’re making some of them?
When I first started learning to code it was a time of constant fire in my belly—I was so excited about every new issue and every new technology!
What is Git, How to Start Working With GitHub–a Beginner Friendly Overview
It looks like everybody in the tech world is using GitHub. Wondering if you need it too? Let’s have a brief beginner-friendly overview to see what Git and GitHub are and how you can start working with them right away.
What is Git? We are going to start with defining what Git is and how you can benefit from it. Git is an open-source distributed version control system. What does this mean in simple terms?
How do you Become a Successful Freelance Software Developer?
Freelancers are workers who, for one reason or another, decided to work independently. Flexibility and continuous training are usually what interest programmers who approach this career. You might have a lot of questions and wonder: what does it take to become a freelance software developer? In this article, we will give you some tips on how to approach this career and become a successful freelance software developer.
Tips to Become a Successful Freelance Software Developer Like all jobs, freelancing comes with its pros and cons.
How to Install the Python Spyder IDE and Run Scripts
One of the most popular Python IDEs is Spyder, which stands for Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment. This Python tool is “designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts.” But it’s not just for professionals. In this article, we’ll learn why the Spyder IDE is also an excellent tool for beginners. In this article, I’ll: Show you how to install Spyder on Windows and Linux. Guide you in starting a project and creating your first Python script.
Path to Becoming an SQL Professional on Vertabelo Academy
So you want to learn SQL and decided to learn with Vertabelo Academy? That's great! This article show you the sequence in which to take the courses in order of increasing difficulty.
Courses Teaching Standard SQL (ANSI) If you plan to begin learning SQL and would like to become a professional, your first step is to complete the SQL Basics course. This is the fundamental course that will provide a smooth introduction to the world of relational databases by learning about tables.
18+ Best Online Resources for Learning SQL and Database Concepts (2020 revision)
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-- We did it again! Each year, we review the SQL courses and tutorials on the market to help you find the best online resources to learn SQL. Find out which SQL courses are worth a try!
But let's get to the point and take a closer look at some of the best online resources that can help beginners get started with SQL.
Installing Python: How to start writing Python code
In this comprehensive beginner’s guide, we’ll look at how to install Python on three major operating systems, choose a Python IDE, and run your code.
Would you like to start coding in Python but don’t know where to begin? Maybe you’ve graduated from an online course like Python Basics and now are looking to continue your Python adventure on your own machine.
But first, why Python? The answer is simple: Python is a very easy-to-learn and powerful programming language.
6 Benefits of Learning Python for Financial Experts
An increasing number of fintech companies are using Python for data analysis. But what makes Python so special? And why is it a better language for data analysis compared to traditional software?
Python is quickly becoming the most popular coding language in the world. Currently, it’s perching comfortably in the fourth spot after Java, C, and C++ on the Tiobe Index of Language Popularity. And the Popularity of Programming Language Index ranks Python as the most popular programming language in the world in October 2018.
Go Data-Driven or Go Home
Being data-driven is a must for companies these days. If you think differently, you might as well pack it in now. Here’s why.
Companies are always trying to outdistance each other, winning more clients and gaining the most profit. They burn a lot of time in building strategies and working on tactics, but their actions may not bring the expected results. Why not? Because they don’t start with data.
Tech Jobs That Didn’t Exist Back in the 90s
Technologies are constantly developing, and so is the labor market. Here are some tech jobs born in the 21st century.
I vaguely remember a time when people in public transport read books, talked with each other, or simply looked at the scenery rolling past their windows. Now, we’re all occupied with our mobile phones. It’s no surprise, really—with smartphones, we can do almost everything: chatting, shopping, working, watching TV series, learning, and much more.
8 Best Beginner Data Science Articles from the Past 12 Months
Data Scienceand Big Data are the biggest industry buzzwords in 2018. Experts believe that artificial intelligence (AI) systems will continue to reign supreme in the technology marathon through 2019.
“More than 40 percent of data science tasks will be automated by 2020.”
The data science trends for 2019 are essentially a continuation of some of the key trends of 2018, including areas such as:
Machine learning (ML) Artificial intelligence (AI) Big data Edge computing Blockchain Digital twins Serverless computing Because data science is so vast and challenging to navigate, we’ve compiled a list of the most popular data science articles that dominated the industry over the past 12 months.
How to Start a Job in IT with Vertabelo Academy
Information technology is one of the hottest industries in the world and offers thousands of job in each major city around the globe. If you’re a student or professional who wants to get IT skills and find your first job in the industry, Vertabelo Academy can help you get started.
The range of IT jobs available is stunning—from software engineers to system administrators and data scientists, IT rules the job market.
How to Help Employees Develop IT Skills with Vertabelo Academy
One of the oldest jokes in the business world goes like this: The CFO asked the CEO, “What happens if we invest in developing people and they leave us?” The CEO answered, “What happens if we don’t and they stay?” If you’re like the CEO and want to help your employees grow, this article will explain how you can do so with Vertabelo Academy.
Vertabelo Academy has been around since 2015.
11 Top Data Science Influencers Worth Following (Twitter)
Which influential data scientists are leading the charge? To help you keep up with the latest data science trends, we’ve compiled a list of the top data science and big data experts worth following.
Putting Your Data to Work! Data science has long been a driving force in modern business, but even more so now with the wealth of data at our fingertips. Data is everywhere, thus, we need to learn how to make the most of it and get ahead in business.
New Course Launch: Intro to Python for Data Science (no IT background required)
Over the past three months, we’ve been working on something completely new. Please welcome our new course on Python data analysis!
We got many emails from users like you with good feedback on our "Introduction to R" course. So first, I want to start off with a big thank you—reading your wonderful comments was like a burst of energy! We’re always looking to improve our offerings, and we greatly value your input.
Why Data Visualization Is Important: Two Perspectives
Have you ever wondered how you can deal with an overwhelming amount of data? How do you use it? How do you understand what it’s saying? And last but not least, how do you present your data to the world such that everyone understands your point? In this article, we’ll explore these questions to understand the importance of data visualization.
Where are the data? When I want someone to understand my perspective, I try to visualize it precisely so I can communicate my thoughts.
New Vertabelo Academy Course: Learn R with Introduction to R
Unlock the potential of data! With this course, you’ll learn about data analytics, data science, statistical analysis, and functions in the R programming language.
This course is perfect for people who have no prior knowledge of computer science or R programming. With "Introduction to R", you’ll learn to work in the R programming language as you enter the promising world of data science.
Why R is so famous According to the TIOBE programming community index, which ranks the popularity of all programming languages, R is one of the hottest programming languages of 2018.
How It Works
Brush up on your data science and SQL skills with Vertabelo Academy’s interactive courses.
Why Vertabelo Academy? You get instant access to lessonsthat teach various concepts of SQL, data science, and programming in R (soon also in Python!). Our courses are appropriate for people who have no prior knowledge of computer science or programming. The only requirement is a web browser. No need to install databases, download example tables, or spend time inventing exercises for yourself.
Understanding Data: Mining Vs. Visualization
Here’s a reality check: Big Data has hit us like a speeding truck on the highway of business intelligence. In today’s digital age, we’re generating data about ourselves that were once considered private, and we’re doing it willingly!
From what we eat and wear to where we are at all times, nearly everything is now public knowledge. The data generated is a potential diamond mine for everyone in business, from one-person companies to Fortune 500 A-Listers alike, all thanks to the Internet.
Why Move Data from Excel to a Relational Database?
Excel allows business professionals to unlock the potential of their data – to a point. But when it comes to storing and manipulating large amounts of data, Excel can cause some problems.
Excel has many good points. It’s often used by specialists to work with data related to their particular field. But it can come with problems, such as sluggish performance and difficult team collaboration. Even worse, Excel is vulnerable to the most dreaded problem of all: the accidental deletion of important data.
Data Visualization for Your Business: Does it Really Matter?
Our world is bursting with data—the new digital age has dynamically inflated the volumes of data collected by businesses worldwide. By 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every person on the planet.
According to Forbes, The White House has already invested more than $200 million in big data projects.
Can you imagine that? Seriously!
Yet all the data that’s being generated by people, machines, online devices, and other sources doesn’t provide decision-makers with any valuable insights by itself.
My Very First Script
We recently published a story from a Vertabelo Academy user who found her love thanks to SQL. On a similar note, I asked my colleagues to bring back old memories of writing their very first scripts. And yes, love is involved.
Here at Vertabelo Academy, we’ve got some real OG programmers and data scientists making great content. They fell in love with data way before it was cool—and easy. So today, we’re jumping back in time to see what it was like to learn SQL before the Internet and Vertabelo Academy courses existed.
In Search of (Lost) Traditional Learning – Is It Viable in the 21st Century?
Has online learning killed traditional learning? Can they coexist? Or, together, can they form something great?
When I decided to write about traditional ways of learning, I was sure there was something to write about. But I wasn’t sure exactly what. I looked at some traditional learning and teaching methods, which gave me pause. Nearly each one turned out to be not entirely traditional. Wherever I looked, digital influences were making inroads.
So You Want to Be a Data Scientist?
A career in data science is hot right now. What is a data scientist, and how can you become one?
Very few of us said “I want to grow up to be a data scientist” when we were kids. But now, in the age of Big Data and economic uncertainty, a career in data science is looking mighty attractive. If you like the idea of working with information and earning a good paycheck, read on.
Data Science: Market Demand or Just Hype?
Earth’s 7.5 billion people together use several billion different devices, generating an annual global IP traffic of more than one zettabyte. Out of these impressive numbers rises a new field above the others — “data science”. Is data science an inevitable reality, or will it yet be dismissed as just another “wave of the future” that never came to be?
A few days ago I signed a new employment contract with my company.