Tag: Sql Basics
Data-Driven Marketing with SQL

How to Work Better and Faster with SQL Basics?
Data-driven marketing isn’t the future – it’s what the best marketers are using for their work right now. In this article, we give you the lowdown on an amazing marketing hack that more and more employers are demanding. Read on and find out if SQL can boost your campaigns by helping you pursue a more data-driven approach. If you’re interested in learning more, take our SQL Basics course.
Path to Becoming an SQL Professional on Vertabelo Academy
So you want to learn SQL and decided to learn with Vertabelo Academy? That's great! This article show you the sequence in which to take the courses in order of increasing difficulty.
Courses Teaching Standard SQL (ANSI) If you plan to begin learning SQL and would like to become a professional, your first step is to complete the SQL Basics course. This is the fundamental course that will provide a smooth introduction to the world of relational databases by learning about tables.
18+ Best Online Resources for Learning SQL and Database Concepts (2020 revision)
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-- We did it again! Each year, we review the SQL courses and tutorials on the market to help you find the best online resources to learn SQL. Find out which SQL courses are worth a try!
But let's get to the point and take a closer look at some of the best online resources that can help beginners get started with SQL.
SQL Crossword #2: Test your basic querying knowledge and win a prize!
How much SQL do you know? Test your knowledge with this crossword to find out!
Contest Rules Download Vertabelo Academy SQL crossword. Solve tasks and unlock its solution. Send your answer at marketing@vertabelo.com before👉 September 8, 2018. Wait and win a special prize 💜
Prizes will be drawn among the users who will send us the correct solution. Then winners will be contacted by email within 7 days from contest closing.
How to Land a Good Coding Job in Just Three Years
Three years or three months? With all the 12-week bootcamps and coding schools out there, three years sound like a joke. “Enroll in our course today, and become an expert programmer!” “Start learning to code and jumpstart your programming career immediately!”
Most probably, you’ve heard lots of claims like these if you’re interested in coding. Are they reassuring? Maybe. Frustrating? Sometimes. If you’ve been learning for a year and still feel like a newbie programmer while others are starting their careers in three months, you start to wonder: What’s wrong with me?
Exploring Summer Solstice With SQL
Why is June 21 the official start of summer? Let’s see how SQL can help us answer this question.
The Summer Solstice Officially, June 21 is recognized as the summer solstice, the longest day of the entire year in terms of daylight. Why? Because on this day, the sun rises early and sets quite late.
People in the Northern Hemisphere celebrate the summer solstice with feasts, bonfires, picnics, and traditional dances and songs.
Data Analyst to Data Scientist: A New Skill Set for a New Future
Will robots replace humans in the near future? As machine learning and artificial intelligence continue to grow in popularity, this question becomes all the more relevant. Which jobs will become extinct, and what will society looks like in the future? If you’re a data analyst whose worried about their job security, don’t worry—there’s still hope for you! In this article, we’ll take a look at the skills a data analyst can acquire to become a data scientist and rise above these pesky robots 🙂
More Than Just Coding – IT Community Involvement
There are many perceptions of IT, one of the fastest growing industries in the world. For a non-technical person, IT is usually associated with high salaries, numerous job offers, and elite clubs. But IT is more than just people earning big bucks for writing code. The most valuable part of the IT industry is its community.
The first steps are the hardest As a complete IT newbie, I had lots of doubts and fears about entering the IT industry.
My Very First Script
We recently published a story from a Vertabelo Academy user who found her love thanks to SQL. On a similar note, I asked my colleagues to bring back old memories of writing their very first scripts. And yes, love is involved.
Here at Vertabelo Academy, we’ve got some real OG programmers and data scientists making great content. They fell in love with data way before it was cool—and easy. So today, we’re jumping back in time to see what it was like to learn SQL before the Internet and Vertabelo Academy courses existed.
They say that if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. At Vertabelo Academy, we strongly believe in this adage. We’re creating courses because it’s what we enjoy doing. We’re passionate about SQL and data science, and we want to deliver the best content possible in these domains.
To that end, we provide our users with practical modules because learning by doing is the best way to master a new skill.
Who Loves Whom?
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we discover which of Gary and Sara’s friends are in love – and how to use the SQL JOIN statement to work with data in multiple tables!
Did you know SQL is a matchmaker? That’s right; it loves to make data couples by linking information from two (or more!) tables using the JOIN statement. However, many SQL rookies run into problems using JOIN. So let’s go to a party and learn how to use JOIN the right way!
SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Get 25% OFF for Helping Santa (updated list of tasks)
Wanna be part of this year’s Christmas success? Santa needs your help organizing his Christmas deliveries. For this occasion, we’ve prepared a special Christmas database. While working on tasks, you’ll help Santa Claus deliver gifts to children.
For this upcoming Christmas, we’ve prepared a 24-Day SQL Advent challenge. From now until Christmas Eve, we’ll publish daily SQL tasks for you to complete. If you’ve completed or recently started our SQL Basics course, or if you already have basic SQL knowledge, then this event is perfect for you!
SQL Hacks To Control Family Budget On Black Friday Weekend
If you’re in the US, chances are you’ve been eagerly awaiting the approach of Black Friday just as much as Thanksgiving. Though the shopping frenzy takes hold of nearly everyone, some people have to stick to their budgets and shop prudently. In this article, we’ll take a look at how generating an SQL report can help you track how much your family spent shopping on Black Friday.
Storing Black Friday Purchases in a Database Before we can create an SQL report, we first need some data we can use.
Happy Thanksgiving! Using SQL to Prepare a Traditional Menu
Thanksgiving is a holiday many Americans celebrate with their families and friends, seated around a table loaded with a hearty feast. The most prominent of all dishes is, of course, the turkey. However, at least a few other specialties are also cooked for Thanksgiving. Do you find it hard to choose what to prepare? If so, we’ve got a solution for you: a special SQL query that will help you pick the best dishes.
Jane Solves Her Business Analysis Problem
Jane has a data problem and an overdue report. Will SQL save the day?
Jane works as a business analyst for a large London bank. As she walks to the station on Monday morning, she’s thinking about last week’s unfinished work. She couldn’t get the data she needed from IT, so she could not deliver her report on a financial product’s non-performing assets. She absolutely must submit the report to her manager today; she’s already delayed it for more than a week.