Tag: Data Science Job

A Day in the Life of a Female Data Scientist

Day Life Female Data Scientist, data scientist quality of life, day in the life of a data scientist, day in the life of a data scientist, day in the life of a data analyst, a day in the life of a data scientist, what data scientist do all day at work, typical work day for a data scientist
There I was—at Nvidia Deep learning & AI, the most prestigious deep learning event, waiting for my hands-on training to begin. It felt great to be there! But as I waited for things to start, observing the others who sat around me, I realized something: most of the attendants were men! In a crowded hall where around 200 people were waiting for a lecture, less than 10% were women. Where were the rest, and why was I one of the few female representatives who attended this conference?

Inside a Data Science Team: 5 Tips to Avoid Communication Problems

Data science professionals frequently coordinate their workloads, host meetings to discuss and share ideas, and collaborate to solve problems. But all it takes for things to fall apart is a lack of clear communication. Data Science is a team sport that involves a variety of professionals working together to solve technological problems. However, you need good communication for your team to run like a well-oiled machine. You may be thinking that poor communication isn’t that big of a deal.

Data Analyst to Data Scientist: A New Skill Set for a New Future

Will robots replace humans in the near future? As machine learning and artificial intelligence continue to grow in popularity, this question becomes all the more relevant. Which jobs will become extinct, and what will society looks like in the future? If you’re a data analyst whose worried about their job security, don’t worry—there’s still hope for you! In this article, we’ll take a look at the skills a data analyst can acquire to become a data scientist and rise above these pesky robots 🙂