SQL Advent Challenge 2017: Get 25% OFF for Helping Santa (updated list of tasks)

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Wanna be part of this year’s Christmas success? Santa needs your help organizing his Christmas deliveries. For this occasion, we’ve prepared a special Christmas database. While working on tasks, you’ll help Santa Claus deliver gifts to children.

For this upcoming Christmas, we’ve prepared a 24-Day SQL Advent challenge. From now until Christmas Eve, we’ll publish daily SQL tasks for you to complete. If you’ve completed or recently started our SQL Basics course, or if you already have basic SQL knowledge, then this event is perfect for you!

In each daily task, you’ll write one SQL query. Each task will be assigned a number corresponding to the day in which it was published, which you can then use to fill in our crossword with the answers your queries produced. Over the course of 24 days, your answers to these tasks will gradually reveal a secret message that will give you a 25% holiday discount on any Vertabelo Academy course you choose. For details, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

The Santa Claus database contains the following six tables:

  • country(id, name),
  • children(id, name, is_nice, country_id)
    if the child was nice, the value in is_nice is true, and false otherwise
  • letter(id, letter_date, children_id),
  • toy(id, name, category),
  • request(id, letter_id, toy_id),
  • purchase(id, request_id, price, order_date, store, delivery_date).

It’s totally up to you where you write your queries. You can download SQL scripts to create a database and work on your own database server. See you next year!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20

Day 21

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24