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This online course is intended for users who know basic SQL concepts in SQL Server, such as WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY and HAVING clauses, as well as how to JOIN tables. We've introduced this information in our SQL Basics in SQL Server course.

The analysis of revenue trends is vital for a business to succeed. After all, every company needs to run analyses to check its performance on the market. There are multiple tools to do so, including but not limited to Excel spreadsheets. However, if you wish to store large amounts of business data, the most ideal approach would be to use SQL. This language helps you write sophisticated queries and create an insightful revenue report quickly.

Through this online course, you will become a master at SQL trend analysis; in other words, you will learn to use SQL to analyze revenue trends using the SQL Server database. Although we are mainly going to focus on revenue, you'll still gain knowledge about a variety of topics. In this way, once you have completed the course, you'll be able to perform other SQL trend analyses in a similar manner (i.e. website visits over time).

Furthermore, this online course will not only teach you theory but also allow you to practically use your SQL trend skills. By building a revenue report, you'll learn about real-world scenarios in which SQL comes in handy. This online course is ideal for anyone aiming to create a revenue report in SQL Server.

What's in It for Me?

  • 59 interactive exercises. Learn at your own pace, from any location and at any time. Work through hands-on exercises to help you retain what you have learned so far.
  • Lifetime access to the course. When you purchase the online course, you'll get instant personal access to all of its content forever.
  • Online certificate. After you successfully finish all of the exercises in the online course, you'll receive a downloadable PDF certificate to showcase your accomplishment.
  • 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied with the quality of the online course, you can get a refund within 30 days of your purchase.
  • Exercise hints. You can take advantage of ready-made hints for every exercise, or ask questions and share insights with other members of our community through the Discuss tab.

What Do You Need to Take This Course?

Learn How To:

  • Analyze the total revenue of your company.
  • Compute the revenue generated during a given period.
  • Analyze revenue across different time periods.
  • Compare revenue over time across different categories.
  • Create a clear and concise revenue report in SQL Server.
  • Compute year-to-date and month-to-date revenue.

Who Should Take This Course?

  • Analysts who know the basics of SQL in SQL Server and want to create a revenue report
  • Data science beginners
  • IT students with an interest in SQL
  • Anyone interested in starting a career working with SQL trends or as an SQL Reporting Analyst
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    One to Rule 'Em All

    Includes 36 courses Python Basics. Part 1, Python Basics. Part 2, Python Basics. Part 3, Python Data Structures in Practice, Built-in Algorithms in Python, Working with Strings in Python, SQL Basics, SQL Practice Set, SQL JOINs, Standard SQL Functions, Creating Basic SQL Reports, Window Functions, Revenue Trend Analysis in SQL, How to INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE Data in SQL, Recursive Queries, Creating Tables in SQL, Statistics 101, SQL Basics in MS SQL Server, How to Insert, Update, or Delete Data in MS SQL Server, Common Functions in MS SQL Server, Revenue Trend Analysis in SQL Server, Creating Basic SQL Reports in SQL Server, Window Functions in MS SQL Server, Recursive Queries in MS SQL Server, GROUP BY Extensions in MS SQL Server, Introduction to Python for Data Science, How to Read and Write CSV Files in Python, How to Read and Write JSON Files in Python, SQL Basics in PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL JOINs, SQL Practice Set in PostgreSQL, Window Functions in PostgreSQL, Recursive Queries in PostgreSQL, Writing User-Defined Functions in PostgreSQL, PostGIS, How to Read and Write Excel Files in Python

    Bundle price $199

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    Table of contents

    Progress: 0% completed 0 of 59 exercises done

    1. Computing total revenue for different time periods

    Get to know the data model and learn some basic revenue trend concepts.

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    0% completed 0 of 18 exercises done

    2. Comparing revenue across different periods

    Learn how to compare revenue values from different periods.

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    0% completed 0 of 22 exercises done

    3. Comparing revenue over time across different categories

    Learn how you can extend the report types you already know by comparing different product categories.

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    0% completed 0 of 19 exercises done


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