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Reports with revenue in categories
15. Summary


Good job! Before we move on to the final quiz for this course, let's review what we've learned:

  1. To create a report with history-to-date category revenue values:
      SUM(Amount) AS TotalRevenue 
    FROM OrderItems OI
    JOIN Products P
      ON OI.ProductId = P.ProductId
    JOIN Categories C
      ON P.CategoryId = C.CategoryId
    GROUP BY CategoryName;
  2. To show category revenue values and their relation to the total revenue, use:
    WITH AllCategories AS (
      SELECT SUM(Amount) AS TotalSum
      FROM Orders
      SUM(OI.Amount) AS CategoryRevenue,
      SUM(OI.Amount) / CAST(AC.TotalSum AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS TotalRevenueRatio
    FROM AllCategories AC, OrderItems OI
    JOIN Orders O
      ON O.OrderId = OI.OrderId
    JOIN Products P
      ON OI.ProductId = P.ProductId
    JOIN Categories C
      ON P.CategoryId = C.CategoryId
    GROUP BY CategoryName,
  3. To show the category revenue for selected categories for each time period or category revenue for each category and selected time periods, use SUM(CASE WHEN) along with GROUP BY. For instance:
      DATEPART(Year, OrderDate) AS RevenueYear,
      SUM(OI.Amount) AS TotalRevenue, 
      SUM(CASE WHEN C.CategoryName='Beverages' THEN OI.Amount ELSE 0.0 END) AS BeveragesRevenue,
      SUM(CASE WHEN C.CategoryName='Seafood' THEN OI.Amount ELSE 0.0 END) AS SeafoodRevenue 
    FROM OrderItems OI 
    JOIN Orders O
      ON OI.OrderId = O.OrderId
    JOIN Products P
      ON P.ProductId = OI.ProductId
    JOIN Categories C
      ON C.CategoryId = P.CategoryId
    GROUP BY DATEPART(Year, OrderDate)
    ORDER BY DATEPART(Year, OrderDate);

How about a short quiz to finish?


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