Author: Kate Stolarek
Hi, I’m Kate! I’m a growth marketer striving for excellence. I work in the cold emailing sector where I focus on finding innovative ideas to drive user acquisition. I also host webinars and write (mainly) about SQL.
Learn Skills in Bulk with Vertabelo Academy Bundles

Buy courses individually or in packs! Find out what courses are in each course bundle and learn the skills you need. Now, you can get them with over a 70% discount!
At Vertabelo Academy, you can buy online courses individually or in bundles. Bundles, to put it simply, are packs of courses that teach you one technology (e.g., SQL) or one particular topic (e.g., data analytics.).
Below, we present the list of our currently available bundles.
Go Data-Driven or Go Home
Being data-driven is a must for companies these days. If you think differently, you might as well pack it in now. Here’s why.
Companies are always trying to outdistance each other, winning more clients and gaining the most profit. They burn a lot of time in building strategies and working on tactics, but their actions may not bring the expected results. Why not? Because they don’t start with data.
New Vertabelo Academy Course: Learn R with Introduction to R
Unlock the potential of data! With this course, you’ll learn about data analytics, data science, statistical analysis, and functions in the R programming language.
This course is perfect for people who have no prior knowledge of computer science or R programming. With "Introduction to R", you’ll learn to work in the R programming language as you enter the promising world of data science.
Why R is so famous According to the TIOBE programming community index, which ranks the popularity of all programming languages, R is one of the hottest programming languages of 2018.
My Very First Script
We recently published a story from a Vertabelo Academy user who found her love thanks to SQL. On a similar note, I asked my colleagues to bring back old memories of writing their very first scripts. And yes, love is involved.
Here at Vertabelo Academy, we’ve got some real OG programmers and data scientists making great content. They fell in love with data way before it was cool—and easy. So today, we’re jumping back in time to see what it was like to learn SQL before the Internet and Vertabelo Academy courses existed.
New Vertabelo Academy Course on Data Visualization: Share Your Insights With Everyone!
In today’s data-driven world, a good visualization goes a long way in helping people make sense of numbers.
Every day at the office, we’re working hard to create programming and data science content that is accessible to everyone. We aim to produce content that is easy to understand, primarily for people with no IT background. And you know what? Ironically, this stuff ain’t easy even if you’re an IT specialist!
New Vertabelo Academy Course: Learn How to Work with Spatial Data with PostGIS
Managing spatial data is useful but challenging – learn how to do it in PostgreSQL with our latest course.
At Vertabelo Academy, we believe that learning by doing is the best way to master a new skill. So we’re excited to introduce a new, easy-to-understand course in PostGIS. PostGIS is a spatial extension for object-relational PostgreSQL databases. It stores geographical data objects, allowing SQL queries to process them as they would other pieces of data.
Kill Online Distractions: 5 Tools to Help You Stay Focused
Phones, emails, social media accounts, and about a hundred other things are constantly competing for our attention. Can tech tools help us stay focused?
A lot of apps say that they help humans work better and faster. But the truth is that the more interactive tools we use, the more focus-shattering notifications we get. In many ways, technology has gotten us into this problem. Can it help us get out of it?
Kill Online Distractions: 5 Tools to Help You Stay Focused
Phones, emails, social media accounts, and about a hundred other things are constantly competing for our attention. Can tech tools help us stay focused?
A lot of apps say that they help humans work better and faster. But the truth is that the more interactive tools we use, the more focus-shattering notifications we get. In many ways, technology has gotten us into this problem. Can it help us get out of it?
Why I Choose Learning Apps … And You Should Too
Learning from books is so 1999. Can app-based learning do any better?
Do you like wasting your time? I don’t. Any time I start something, I find out how to do it efficiently. For me, this means learning new skills using apps and online learning rather than books.
Online and app-based learning focuses on you, the student. This is the exact opposite of traditional learning, which is teacher-driven. There is a physical classroom and students, but the teacher plays the primary role.