Author: Dorota Wdzięczna
Dorota is an IT engineer and works as a Data Science Writer for Vertabelo. She has experience as a Java programmer, webmaster, teacher, lecturer, IT specialist, and coordinator of IT systems. In her free time, she loves working in the garden, taking photos of nature, especially macro photos of insects, and visiting beautiful locations in Poland.
13 Top Python Libraries You Should Know in 2020

Python provides a lot of libraries to help developers with their work. Which of them will be the most popular in 2020? And which are worth your time? Here are our picks for the 13 top Python libraries.
Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Many developers choose Python because it’s easy to learn and good for varied tasks, including data science, machine learning, data analysis and visualization, and web or desktop app development.
9 Best Online Resources to Start Learning Python Today
Want to start learning Python but struggling to find quality resources? Well, they're out there—and we'll review them here. In no particular order, here are the best online resources to learn Python.
Courses 1. Vertabelo Academy Vertabelo Academy is an interactive e-learning platform that offers nine Python courses. Among them, you can find two learning paths: programming and data science.
Programming path: Python Basics Part 1. This is the first of a two-part course that covers everything you need to know about Python so you can start writing your own scripts and applications.
Jupyter Notebook – the Free Editor for Python
If you have basic knowledge about Python and are looking for an IDE to work with on your own computer, consider the Jupyter Notebook. It is a good tool, especially for Data Science projects.
What is Jupyter Notebook? Jupyter Notebook is an open-source server-client application used to create and run mainly Data Science projects. Where does its name come from? JUPYTER is an acronym of Julia, Python, and R, because they were the first programming languages supported by this editor.
Python IDE: PyCharm Tutorial for Beginners
The PyCharm IDE is one of the most popular editors used by professional Python developers and programmers. But if you are a beginner, don’t worry, it can help you too! Find out how to create Python projects using PyCharm and what basic features can help you write code more efficiently.
The PyCharm IDE is one of the most popular editors used by professional Python developers and programmers.
How to Install the PyCharm IDE (Windows and Ubuntu)
This tutorial will show you how to install the PyCharm IDE on your own computer–whether you have Windows or Ubuntu.
To start developing with the PyCharm IDE, you need to download and install it on your computer’s operating system. PyCharm is an editor developed by the JetBrains company. As of today, it is the most popular IDE used by Python developers. Knowing this, JetBrains delivers PyCharm in three versions: Professional (full-featured IDE), Community (lightweight IDE, not full-featured), and Educational (community IDE with added education features).
How to Install the Python Spyder IDE and Run Scripts
One of the most popular Python IDEs is Spyder, which stands for Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment. This Python tool is “designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts.” But it’s not just for professionals. In this article, we’ll learn why the Spyder IDE is also an excellent tool for beginners. In this article, I’ll: Show you how to install Spyder on Windows and Linux. Guide you in starting a project and creating your first Python script.
Path to Becoming an SQL Professional on Vertabelo Academy
So you want to learn SQL and decided to learn with Vertabelo Academy? That's great! This article show you the sequence in which to take the courses in order of increasing difficulty.
Courses Teaching Standard SQL (ANSI) If you plan to begin learning SQL and would like to become a professional, your first step is to complete the SQL Basics course. This is the fundamental course that will provide a smooth introduction to the world of relational databases by learning about tables.
Done with a Python Basics Course? Here’s How to Write Python Code on Your Own Computer
Online Python courses help you acquire basic knowledge of working with Python. But how do you retain what you’ve learned and start writing Python code on your own?
Nowadays, there are plenty of e-learning platforms for programming languages like Python. With these platforms, you can learn the fundamentals of the Python language: syntax, basic functions, and programming best practices. On platforms like Vertabelo Academy, for example, you don’t need others tools to work through the content and can get your hands dirty with a language in a sandbox environment.
Lucky Thirteen Python Articles of 2018 for Beginners
If you have just started learning Python, now is a great time to develop your skills further. Nowadays it is not problem to find resources about Python on the internet, however, it can be difficult to find good materials to read for beginners. Therefore I decided to gather and share with you my “Lucky thirteen” articles on Python written in 2018. Top 3 Vertabelo Academy Python Articles for Beginners The Vertabelo Academy is an online learning platform that delivers courses on SQL, data science, and Python.
Installing Python: How to start writing Python code
In this comprehensive beginner’s guide, we’ll look at how to install Python on three major operating systems, choose a Python IDE, and run your code.
Would you like to start coding in Python but don’t know where to begin? Maybe you’ve graduated from an online course like Python Basics and now are looking to continue your Python adventure on your own machine.
But first, why Python? The answer is simple: Python is a very easy-to-learn and powerful programming language.
5 Best Python IDEs for Data Science
Python is a programming language frequently used by scientists and data analysts to build applications. Why? Because it’s easy to use and has few rules. But simply installing Python isn’t enough—you also need a good interactive development environment (IDE) to program in. So what are the best Python IDEs for data science? Let’s find out!
(Note: all IDEs presented here support Windows, macOS, and Linux.)
1. Enthought Canopy Enthought Canopy is one of the best Python IDEs for scientists and engineers.
Why Move Data from Excel to a Relational Database?
Excel allows business professionals to unlock the potential of their data – to a point. But when it comes to storing and manipulating large amounts of data, Excel can cause some problems.
Excel has many good points. It’s often used by specialists to work with data related to their particular field. But it can come with problems, such as sluggish performance and difficult team collaboration. Even worse, Excel is vulnerable to the most dreaded problem of all: the accidental deletion of important data.
Who Loves Whom?
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we discover which of Gary and Sara’s friends are in love – and how to use the SQL JOIN statement to work with data in multiple tables!
Did you know SQL is a matchmaker? That’s right; it loves to make data couples by linking information from two (or more!) tables using the JOIN statement. However, many SQL rookies run into problems using JOIN. So let’s go to a party and learn how to use JOIN the right way!
SQL Hacks To Control Family Budget On Black Friday Weekend
If you’re in the US, chances are you’ve been eagerly awaiting the approach of Black Friday just as much as Thanksgiving. Though the shopping frenzy takes hold of nearly everyone, some people have to stick to their budgets and shop prudently. In this article, we’ll take a look at how generating an SQL report can help you track how much your family spent shopping on Black Friday.
Storing Black Friday Purchases in a Database Before we can create an SQL report, we first need some data we can use.
Happy Thanksgiving! Using SQL to Prepare a Traditional Menu
Thanksgiving is a holiday many Americans celebrate with their families and friends, seated around a table loaded with a hearty feast. The most prominent of all dishes is, of course, the turkey. However, at least a few other specialties are also cooked for Thanksgiving. Do you find it hard to choose what to prepare? If so, we’ve got a solution for you: a special SQL query that will help you pick the best dishes.
Descriptive Statistics: Calculating the Mean in Various Data Series
The mean (average) is one of the most valuable and most frequently used measures in descriptive statistics. Why is it so widely used, and why is it important to know how to calculate the arithmetic mean? Perhaps the most convincing argument is that the mean is used in virtually every area of life.
With the arithmetic mean, you can calculate the average daily television viewing time for citizens of a given country, average volume of coffee drunk by a typical American, average annual temperature in your city, or the average amount you spend on food in a typical week.
Spooky Scary NULL: Unexpected Danger Lurking in Your Database
Relational databases often store the value NULL in their tables. If you’re not familiar with NULL and what it is, you could run into unexpected problems. In this article, we’ll take a look at how the IN and EXISTS operators work with NULL.
What Is NULL? In SQL, NULL is a special value indicating that a particular piece of data doesn’t exist in the database. For SQL beginners, it’s often a source of problems.