Tag: Null
Non-Syntactic SQL Errors Spotted

A look at common errors that arise when writing code as an SQL beginner.
Debugging, Headaches, and SQL If you’re new to SQL, you’ve probably already run into a myriad of errors. Don’t worry — you’re not alone. All developers make mistakes; it’s a normal part of the development process. The key to mastering any programming language, SQL being no exception, is understanding where the most common mistakes lie.
Spooky Scary NULL: Unexpected Danger Lurking in Your Database
Relational databases often store the value NULL in their tables. If you’re not familiar with NULL and what it is, you could run into unexpected problems. In this article, we’ll take a look at how the IN and EXISTS operators work with NULL.
What Is NULL? In SQL, NULL is a special value indicating that a particular piece of data doesn’t exist in the database. For SQL beginners, it’s often a source of problems.