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Primary keys - the basics
Single-column primary keys
Multicolumn primary keys
Auto-increment columns and sequences


Excellent. There is actually one more thing about IDENTITY that you need to know. You can change its behavior! You do not need to start counting from 1, nor do you need to add 1 to every new value. Take a look:

    id IDENTITY(3,5),
    title varchar(64),
    year int,
    genre varchar(20)

After the keyword IDENTITY, we put two values in the parentheses. The first one informs about the starting point value. In this case, the first row will obtain the number 3. The second value informs the database how it should calculate further values. In this case we're asking to add 5 each time. So, after 3, there come 8, 13, 18, ...


We want to create a similar table cinema, with one exception: we want to start with cinema_id 1 and only have odd numbers as ids.

Create a table called cinema with the following columns:

  • cinema_id - integer with odd numbers automatically generated, it's also the primary key,
  • name - up to 30 characters,
  • city - up to 30 characters.

Stuck? Here's a hint!


   cinema_id IDENTITY(1,2) PRIMARY KEY,
   name varchar(30),
   city varchar(30)