Author: Kamila Ostrowska
Kamila has been working in e-learning for three years, with an emphasis on adapting digital training methodologies to suit diverse learning styles. Kamila loves sailing, writing, reading, and taking long walks in the forest. Occasionally, Kamila grows nostalgic of the mountains she gave up in favor of sailing.
Coding Wo[men]'s World: How to Start Coding

Beware! This is not a motivational article. If you are not interested in how to start coding, don't read this. However, if you want to know how and where to start learning programming, please continue reading.
When I started to think about learning to code, I decided to write about women's stories because of the stereotypes they face. Many women want to try coding but are afraid of it.
How Online Learning Can Help Us in the Automation Race
If you search “will robots take my job” in your browser, you will find a website that lists the automation risk level for each occupation within two decades. This simple website is based on Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne's research. In the report “The Future of Employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?”, they examined over 700 occupations in the US, using a Gaussian process classifier to estimate the probability of automation for those jobs.
Tech Jobs That Didn’t Exist Back in the 90s
Technologies are constantly developing, and so is the labor market. Here are some tech jobs born in the 21st century.
I vaguely remember a time when people in public transport read books, talked with each other, or simply looked at the scenery rolling past their windows. Now, we’re all occupied with our mobile phones. It’s no surprise, really—with smartphones, we can do almost everything: chatting, shopping, working, watching TV series, learning, and much more.
Why Data Visualization Is Important: Two Perspectives
Have you ever wondered how you can deal with an overwhelming amount of data? How do you use it? How do you understand what it’s saying? And last but not least, how do you present your data to the world such that everyone understands your point? In this article, we’ll explore these questions to understand the importance of data visualization.
Where are the data? When I want someone to understand my perspective, I try to visualize it precisely so I can communicate my thoughts.
They say that if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. At Vertabelo Academy, we strongly believe in this adage. We’re creating courses because it’s what we enjoy doing. We’re passionate about SQL and data science, and we want to deliver the best content possible in these domains.
To that end, we provide our users with practical modules because learning by doing is the best way to master a new skill.
In Search of (Lost) Traditional Learning – Is It Viable in the 21st Century?
Has online learning killed traditional learning? Can they coexist? Or, together, can they form something great?
When I decided to write about traditional ways of learning, I was sure there was something to write about. But I wasn’t sure exactly what. I looked at some traditional learning and teaching methods, which gave me pause. Nearly each one turned out to be not entirely traditional. Wherever I looked, digital influences were making inroads.
Strategies for Online Learning Success
Internet-based learning is very popular. Knowing your learning style and motivations will help you study smarter, not harder.
We tend to spend a lot of time online these days. Between watching funny YouTube videos, catching up on news and celebrity gossip, and binge-watching our favorite Netflix series, we even find the time to learn new skills. But are we in a constant learning process? How can we pluck out – from the vast resources of the Internet – the exact courses and methods that will work for us (or you) personally?