Tag: Descriptive Statistics
12 Best Data Science Resources on the Internet

Data science is hot right now. If you want to learn more about it, where should you go? Online, of course! Check out our favorite data science sites. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, these are the sites you should know.
Not so long ago, if you wanted information on a topic like data science, you had to look for it—either at your local library or at a university.
Can Python Displace R for Data Science?
R and Python are two of the most popular data science languages, but which one is better? And will Python replace R in the near future? Let’s find out!
R vs. Python: the Basics First, some history.
R first appeared in 1990; it was derived from the language S, a statistical programming language developed for statisticians. It was (and still is) commonly used in educational settings and is a favorite among biostatisticians.
R Programming: What It Means to a Data Scientist
Programmers commonly have many questions about R, a popular programming language in data science and analysis. R is used all over the world by professionals in the fields of data science, data visualization, data mining, and statistical analysis.
But what exactly is R? Where did it come from? And why is it being used specifically by data science professionals? This article attempts to answer all these questions, including the most important of them all: Should you be learning R as well?
Agile Data Science: Improving Your Workflow with Scrum
Within organizations, Scrum promotes efficient time and process management along with better team building and leadership. In order to implement Scrum, you’ll need to follow a few simple rules.
Introducing Scrum Today, we have the power to collect precise data both quickly and in vast quantities. In fact, 90% of the data available today was collected in the last two years alone. The rise of big data has greatly increased demand for data scientists, but the profession is one where few candidates possess the right skills.
How It Works
Brush up on your data science and SQL skills with Vertabelo Academy’s interactive courses.
Why Vertabelo Academy? You get instant access to lessonsthat teach various concepts of SQL, data science, and programming in R (soon also in Python!). Our courses are appropriate for people who have no prior knowledge of computer science or programming. The only requirement is a web browser. No need to install databases, download example tables, or spend time inventing exercises for yourself.
Descriptive Statistics: Calculating the Mean in Various Data Series
The mean (average) is one of the most valuable and most frequently used measures in descriptive statistics. Why is it so widely used, and why is it important to know how to calculate the arithmetic mean? Perhaps the most convincing argument is that the mean is used in virtually every area of life.
With the arithmetic mean, you can calculate the average daily television viewing time for citizens of a given country, average volume of coffee drunk by a typical American, average annual temperature in your city, or the average amount you spend on food in a typical week.