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Tuple basics
Tuples in functions
13. Summary


It's time to wrap things up! First, let's have a quick review of what we've learned:

  1. Tuples may or may not be defined with parentheses, but they require commas:

    sample_tuple = 1, 2, 3
    another_tuple = (1, 2, 3)
  2. To access an element or a few of them, use square brackets:

  3. To iterate over a tuple, use a for loop:

    for item in sample_tuple:
  4. To check if a tuple contains an element, use the in operator:

    if item in sample_tuple:
  5. You can unpack a tuple into a group of variables:

    number_one, number_two, number_three = sample_tuple
  6. You can return tuples from functions and precede a function parameter with an asterisk (*) if you want to allow a varying number of arguments:

    def function_name(*args):

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