Author: Ramkumar Balasubramanian
Fellow @ Wipro Ltd.
So You Want to Be a Data Scientist?

A career in data science is hot right now. What is a data scientist, and how can you become one?
Very few of us said “I want to grow up to be a data scientist” when we were kids. But now, in the age of Big Data and economic uncertainty, a career in data science is looking mighty attractive. If you like the idea of working with information and earning a good paycheck, read on.
Jane Solves Her Business Analysis Problem
Jane has a data problem and an overdue report. Will SQL save the day?
Jane works as a business analyst for a large London bank. As she walks to the station on Monday morning, she’s thinking about last week’s unfinished work. She couldn’t get the data she needed from IT, so she could not deliver her report on a financial product’s non-performing assets. She absolutely must submit the report to her manager today; she’s already delayed it for more than a week.