Author: Aldo Zelen
Aldo is a data architect with a passion for the cloud. From leading a team of data professionals to coding a data warehouse in the cloud, Aldo has experience with the whole lifecycle of data-intensive projects. Aldo spends his free time forecasting geopolitical events in forecasting tournaments.
Short Guide to Most Popular Database Administration Certifications

As an ambitious database administrator, you want to get ahead of the crowd and expand your knowledge. The best way to do that is to get certified in the technology you’re working with. This article and infographic will guide you through the most popular database administrator certifications on the market today.
If you’re here, you’re passionate about working with databases, like many other IT professionals. Being a database administrator (DBA) will open up an IT field of pure engineering, with little consideration of the business side of your organization.
Non-Syntactic SQL Errors Spotted
A look at common errors that arise when writing code as an SQL beginner.
Debugging, Headaches, and SQL If you’re new to SQL, you’ve probably already run into a myriad of errors. Don’t worry — you’re not alone. All developers make mistakes; it’s a normal part of the development process. The key to mastering any programming language, SQL being no exception, is understanding where the most common mistakes lie.
Common SQL Window Functions: Using Partitions with Ranking Functions
You’ve started your mastery of SQL window functions by learning RANK, NTILE, and other basic functions. In this article, we will explain how to use SQL partitions with ranking functions.
Mastering SQL window (or analytical) functions is a bumpy road, but it helps to break the journey into logical stages that build on each other. In the previous Common SQL Functions article, you learned about the various rank functions, which are the most basic form of window functions.
OLTP vs. OLAP — What’s the Difference?
There are two major camps in the relational database development world: OLTP and OLAP. In this post, we consider the differences and similarities of these two systems.
First of all, both OLTP (on-line transactional processing) and OLAP (on-line analytical processing) are used in business applications, especially — although not exclusively — in data warehousing and analytics. Together, they form the two different sides of the analytics/warehousing coin: storing and manipulating the data on one hand and analyzing it on the other.