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Built-in Functions Common to Most Data Structures
3. min() and max() – dictionaries


Good job! The min() and max() functions also work with dictionaries but only examine keys by default. For instance, if we changed our list with requests processed on a given day into a dictionary, we could write the following code:

requests_processed = {1:12, 2:18, 3:15, 4:23, 5:24, 6:8, 7:0, 8:18, 9:14, 10:13}

The code above will return 10 because that's the largest key in the dictionary. If you want to find the largest value, use the following code instead:


The code above will return 24.


A company decided to change its product names as part of a rebranding strategy.

The template code contains a dictionary that maps old names to new names. Create a function named very_first_name(dictionary) that, for input similar to the one from the template, returns the very first name (alphabetically) among all the old and new names treated as a single group of names.

Stuck? Here's a hint!

First, find the min() value among the keys and the min() value among the values. Then, print the min() of those two.