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The very basics of text files
5. Appending to a file
with statement and exception handling


Perfect! Now, let's see how the 'a' (append) mode works. As we said before, it is used to add new information to the end of a file without overwriting its existing contents:

file = open('employees.txt', 'a')
file.write('\nKate Smith, Junior Python Developer')

By using the 'a' mode in the open() function, we could add a new employee to our list instead of deleting all the other employees. Note that we started with '\n', which is a newline character.


Open the daily_sales.txt file in the append mode. Add the following three lines at the end of the file:

Day 8 (Monday): 19432.19
Day 9 (Tuesday): 18233.76
Day 10 (Wednesday): 23432.43

Stuck? Here's a hint!

Start with:

file = open('daily_sales.txt', 'a')

Remember about using \n to introduce new lines.