Author: Ignacio L. Bisso
Ignacio is a database consultant from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He’s worked for 15 years as a database consultant for IT companies like Informix and IBM. These days, he teaches databases at Sarmiento University and works as a PostgreSQL independent SQL consultant. A proud father of four kids with 54 years in his backpack, Ignacio plays soccer every Saturday afternoon, enjoying every match as if it’s his last one.
How to Become a Data Analyst

Data analyst is a relatively new position available at several companies. It’s also a high-salary specialization without a complex learning curve. Thus, many professionals are looking to make a career switch to this burgeoning field. In this article, I’ll explain what skills you need to become a junior data analyst. We’ll also review some tips for making this career change and see what an entry-level data analyst salary looks like.
Exploring Summer Solstice With SQL
Why is June 21 the official start of summer? Let’s see how SQL can help us answer this question.
The Summer Solstice Officially, June 21 is recognized as the summer solstice, the longest day of the entire year in terms of daylight. Why? Because on this day, the sun rises early and sets quite late.
People in the Northern Hemisphere celebrate the summer solstice with feasts, bonfires, picnics, and traditional dances and songs.