Write a function named get_negative_sorted(input_list, max)
that accepts a list of tuples (as shown in the template code). Each tuple contains two elements: a person's name and the number of points they received.
Your task is to return a new list of tuples. Each tuple should have two elements: the difference between that person's score and the max score (expressed as a negative number) and the person's name. Sort the list in descending order by the number of negative points. Return a sorted list. Consider this input:
max = 100
input_list = [
('Priscilla Cross', 34),
('Yvonne Tate', 78),
('Harry May', 54)
The output should be:
(-22, 'Yvonne Tate'),
(-46, 'Harry May'),
(-66, 'Priscilla Cross')