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5. Openpyxl


Great! Now that we know the basics about spreadsheets, let's talk about how we'll get them into Python.

openpyxl is a Python library based on PHPExcel (a similar library used to operate on Excel files in PHP). It is used to open any kind of file extensions from Excel 2010 or later, such as .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, and .xltm. This course will teach you some essential methods and functions used to operate on such files.

Apart from our course, it is always worthwhile to check out the openpyxl documentation. The openpyxl library is in constant development, so every new version brings new interesting features and possibilities.

Okay, that's it for the intro! Let's move on to Part 2 and get started with openpyxl!


Click Next exercise to finish this part.