Author: Arleta Więch
Arleta is a business professional rooted in the tech industry. Born and raised in Warsaw, she has collaborated with top IT companies such as Samsung R&D Institute, Daftcode or Ethworks. Her main professional interests are marketing, business development, and leadership. After work, she puts on her dancing shoes and goes to salsa clubs and on days off enjoys traveling.
Tired of Conferences? Grow with eLearning!

In the face of a constantly changing labor market, the concept of lifelong learning has become more important than ever. Humans continue to evolve, so any professional wishing to be on a roll should stay up-to-date with technological trends. But how does one do that conveniently?
Let’s face it: no industry is stable. No matter what your profession is, your environment is continuously undergoing processes that redefine the game.
How Long Does It Take to Learn Python Basics?
Chances are you’ve heard about the infinite possibilities Python gives you both in your professional and private life. When you sit down at your desk, full of motivation and eagerness, the question that probably comes to your mind is: how long does it take to learn Python? You’ll find the answer here!
Professionals around the world love Python. According to IEEE Spectrum, an industry magazine issued by the largest international engineering organization, Python is the most popular programming language (see how others were ranked here).