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Customer activity
Finding good customers
15. Recap


Perfect! It's time to wrap things up.

  1. To find the number of customers active within the last 30 days in weekly registration cohorts, use:
      DATE_PART('year', registration_date) AS year,
      DATE_PART('week', registration_date) AS week,
      COUNT(*) AS active_customers
    FROM customers
    WHERE CURRENT_DATE - last_order_date < INTERVAL '30' day
    GROUP BY DATE_PART('year', registration_date), DATE_PART('week', registration_date)
    ORDER BY DATE_PART('year', registration_date), DATE_PART('week', registration_date);
  2. To find the average order value in weekly registration cohorts, use:
      DATE_PART('year', registration_date) AS year,
      DATE_PART('week', registration_date) AS week,
      AVG(total_amount) AS average_order_value
    FROM customers c
    JOIN orders o
      ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id
    GROUP BY DATE_PART('year', registration_date), DATE_PART('week', registration_date)
    ORDER BY DATE_PART('year', registration_date), DATE_PART('week', registration_date);
  3. To find the number of "good customers" in weekly registration cohorts, use:
    WITH good_customers AS (
      AVG(total_amount) AS avg_order_value
    FROM customers c
    JOIN orders o
      ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id
    GROUP BY c.customer_id, registration_date
    HAVING AVG(total_amount) > 1636
      DATE_PART('year', registration_date) AS year,
      DATE_PART('week', registration_date) AS week,
      COUNT(*) AS good_customers
    FROM good_customers
    GROUP BY DATE_PART('year', registration_date), DATE_PART('week', registration_date)
    ORDER BY DATE_PART('year', registration_date), DATE_PART('week', registration_date);

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