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Foreign keys
Multi-column Foreign Keys


That's right. Okay, time to move on. So far, we've created foreign keys on single columns. We know, however, that primary keys may comprise multiple columns, so there must be a way to create multi-column foreign keys too.

Let's say we have a new table called office that describes the physical location of an office in a given building on a given floor:


Next, let's say the primary key will consist of two columns: floor and building_name. There could be many offices on the third floor in various buildings or many offices on different floors in one building. Either way, these values together form a primary key. We'll now learn how to create the proper multi-column foreign key for this situation. Take a look. You just need to provide all the columns in parentheses:

FOREIGN KEY (office_floor, office_building_name)
  REFERENCES office (floor, building_name)

The columns office_floor and office_building_name will form a multi-column foreign key. Excellent!


Each department will be located in a specific office, so we need to change our department table for it to contain a multi-column foreign key pointing to the office table. Take a look at the new ERD for the department table:


Now, take a look at the template code which will create this table with a multi-column foreign key.

As you may remember, the column manager_id used to be a foreign key, but it is not anymore. This change is because we don't know how to create more than one foreign key in a table yet. But don't worry! We'll get to that part in a second. For now, focus on creating a multi-column foreign key.