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Single-column indexes
Multi-column indexes
Additional options when creating indexes
7. ASC and DESC keywords in indexes


Great! So far, we've learned how indexes can help us quickly find rows to be returned by a query. However, they can also be used to deliver rows in a specific order.

We still have the same table, player:

  id integer PRIMARY KEY,
  first_name varchar(64),
  last_name varchar(64),
  year_born integer,
  country varchar(64),
  current_points integer

We previously created a multi-column index on the columns country and current_points. However, we quickly realized that we typically list players by current_points in descending order. We can create an index in the following way:

CREATE INDEX player_multi_country_points_index
ON player(country ASC, current_points DESC);

Note the words ASC and DESC after the column names. They indicate the order in which rows should be sorted in the index. ASC is the default option – it'll be automatically used by the database if you don't explicitly specify DESC. The difference is shown in the picture below:



We previously created the following index:

CREATE INDEX city_rating_index
ON driver(city, rating);

Modify it so that the cities are indexed in ascending order while the ratings are indexed in descending order.

Stuck? Here's a hint!

Write ASC after city and DESC after rating.