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Indexes on expressions
6. Creating indexes on expressions – example 2
Partial indexes
Clustered indexes


Perfect! Let's look at another example. The foundation has created a website where people can search for awarded developers by first and last name. The names are provided together in a single search box. This means we often need to run queries like this one:

FROM dev_award
WHERE (first_name || ' ' || last_name) = 'John Smith';

Even though there is no function call in the WHERE clause, we're actually filtering rows by an expression:

(first_name || ' ' || last_name)

Again, we can't simply create indexes on the columns first_name and last_name to make this kind of search quicker. Instead, we need to create an index on the entire expression:

CREATE INDEX full_name
ON dev_award ((first_name || ' ' || last_name));

Note that there are double parentheses around first_name || ' ' || last_name. The additional pair of parentheses is required when the expression is not a simple function call.


We're again given the house table:

  id integer PRIMARY KEY,
  state char(2),
  zip_code char(5),
  price decimal(10, 2),
  bedrooms integer,
  built_year integer

The agency also frequently looks for available apartments using their special house code. The house code consists of the state, a hyphen, and the number of bedrooms. For example, "NY-3" is the code for an apartment in New York with 3 bedrooms.

Create an index named agency_code on the agency's special house code, as explained above.

Stuck? Here's a hint!


((state || '-' || bedrooms))