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Numerical data types
Integer data types
Floating point data types
10. Floating point numbers – issues with precision
Decimal data types


Excellent! See how convenient these numbers are? Still, there is one problem with real and double precision numbers that you must take into account: rounding errors. Why do these happen?

Well, double precision and real numbers store information in the binary system. Values such as 0.2 don't have a precise binary representation. Numbers like 1/3 can't be represented with a precise decimal number at all. This is why such numbers need to be rounded. And when you add a rounded number to a rounded number, and the result is also rounded – well, you can guess what happens.


Have you noticed that we have a rather special user in our table? The one with user_id 6? It's Thumbelina. We will use the information she provided to check rounding errors.

Select her height and weight and calculate the third column called expected_zero in the following way: height - weight - height + weight. It should equal zero, right?

Stuck? Here's a hint!

Remember about the condition:

WHERE user_id = 6;