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13. Inserting rows with values from sequences


Good! Now let's put everything together. Suppose we have the following table:

  id integer PRIMARY KEY,
  title varchar(64),
  year int,
  genre varchar(20)

Note that the column id is NOT auto-generated here. We've also got our first_seq sequence object. Now, whenever we insert a new row, we can retrieve a number from the sequence:

INSERT INTO movie (id, title, year, genre) VALUES (nextval('first_seq'), 'Kill Me', 1992, 'thriller');

As you can see, instead of providing an explicit value for the column id, we used nextval('first_seq').


We've created a table named director with two columns: id (integer) and full_name (varchar). We've also created a sequence named director_seq. Your task is to insert two directors into the table: Adam Smith and Kate Adams. Both of them should take their id column value from the sequence.

Stuck? Here's a hint!

Use a nextval() function.