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Defining columns with UNIQUE
Adding and removing UNIQUE constraints
13. Summary


Okay, time to wrap things up! What did we learn?

  1. You can add a UNIQUE constraint to a single column, placing it after the column type:
    CREATE TABLE board_game (
      id integer PRIMARY KEY,
      name varchar(32) UNIQUE
  2. You can add a UNIQUE constraint to a group of columns, placing it after the column definitions:
    CREATE TABLE board_game (
      id integer PRIMARY KEY,
      name varchar(32),
      genre varchar(32),
      UNIQUE (name, genre)
  3. You can add a UNIQUE constraint to an existing table:
    ALTER TABLE video_game
    ADD CONSTRAINT video_game_unique UNIQUE (name, platform);
  4. You can remove a UNIQUE constraint from an existing table:
    ALTER TABLE group_game
    DROP CONSTRAINT group_game_name_key;

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