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Primary keys
Foreign keys
Updating and deleting with foreign keys
16. Summary


Perfect! Time to wrap things up. First, a quick review:

  1. To define a primary key when creating a table:
    CREATE TABLE swimming_pool (
      id integer PRIMARY KEY,
      address text
  2. To add a primary key to an existing table:
    ALTER TABLE swimming_pool
    ADD [CONSTRAINT swimming_pool_pk] PRIMARY KEY (id);
  3. To delete a primary key:
    ALTER TABLE swimming_pool
    DROP CONSTRAINT swimming_pool_pkey;
  4. To add a foreign key when creating a table:
    CREATE TABLE player (
      id integer PRIMARY KEY,
      first_name varchar(32),
      last_name varchar(32),
      coach_id integer,
      FOREIGN KEY (coach_id) REFERENCES coach (id)
  5. To add a foreign key to an existing table:
    ALTER TABLE player
    ADD [CONSTRAINT player_fk] FOREIGN KEY (coach_id) REFERENCES coach (id);
  6. To delete a foreign key:
    ALTER TABLE player
    DROP CONSTRAINT player_coach_id_fkey;
  7. We can specify the exact behavior of foreign keys when data changes in the referenced table. The possible options are CASCADE, NO ACTION, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT and RESTRICT (default option).

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