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2. The state table


Before you start, let's get to know the database. It's named usa_states and it stores three tables: state, river, river_state.

The state table is the main table; in it, you'll find details about US states.


The state table stores the following columns:

  • id – a unique internal ID for each US state.
  • name – the name of the state.
  • abbreviation – the 2-character abbreviation of the state name (e.g. 'NY').
  • capital – the state's capital city.
  • ratification – the date when the state officially ratified the US federal constitution.
  • population – the state's population.
  • total_area – the state's total area (land and water), in square kilometers.
  • water_area – the water area, in square kilometers.
  • capital_coordinate – a geography data type value that indicates the capital's position on the map.
  • boundaries – a geometry data type value that indicates the state's position on the map.

Explore the data in this table by selecting all of it.