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CSV Files
3. Basic CSV structure


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The CSV file format is not fully standardized. This means that there might be some differences between CSV files. Let's see how a typical CSV format looks.

name population capital language
France 65233271 Paris French
Germany 82293457 Berlin German
Spain 46397452 Madrid Spanish
    header name,population,capital,language
    record France,65233271,Paris,French
    fields Germany,82293457,Berlin,German
separators Spain,46397452,Madrid,Spanish

Each line in a CSV file is a single record. The first line may or may not contain a header record. The header contains the names of all fields in the CSV file, just like a table usually has column names at the top.

Each field in a record contains a single value, just like a cell in a table. Fields are separated with separators (delimiters). These are usually commas or semicolons.


True or False: Answer by assigning True or False to the variable below the given statement.