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See the whole table
1. Get all data
Select some columns
Filtering rows
Text patterns
To be or NULL to be
A little bit of mathematics
Let's practice


It's time to run your first SQL query! As you remember, the data in a database are stored in tables.

You can see all data in the user table with this query:

FROM user;

SELECT tells your database that you want to select data. FROM user tells the database to select data from the user table.

Finally, the asterisk (*) tells the database that you want to see all columns in this table.

Remember that it is a good practice to always end your SQL command with a semicolon (;). A semicolon is like a period at the end of the sentence. It tells the database that you're done with your command. Our platform accepts your query submissions both with and without a semicolon, so you can leave it out completely in this course.


In our example database there is a car table, which contains information about a few cars.

Select all data from the car table and click Run and check code.

Stuck? Here's a hint!


FROM car;