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Unfortunately, not all organizations use the standard CSV format. As we mentioned before, though, readr has several read functions. In fact, read_csv() is just a type of another function, read_delim(). As a general function, read_delim() enables us to read any delimited file.
Note: A delimited file is any file that has data fields separated by a certain element, such as a tab or a comma.
This function has an additional parameter, delim, which states what character is used to separate fields within the data.

Reading student data from Winters University using read_delim() looks like this:

students <- read_delim("data/winters_students.csv", delim = ",")

It is very similar to read_csv(), except for the additional parameter. So why did CSV get its own read command? Because it's a very popular format. Some other formats have their own read commands, too. We're done with the botanical garden data. Now we can move on to something else: animal data from the zoo. Let's get it into R.


The zoo used the | symbol as a delimiter in their files. Read data from data/zoo.csv into the animals variable using read_delim() with:

delim = "|"

Assign it to the animals variable.

Stuck? Here's a hint!


animals <- read_delim("data/zoo.csv", delim = "|")