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The lapply() function
Other apply() functions
The split-apply-combine pattern
23. Meet the data sets


Wimbledon is the oldest tennis tournament in the world. It involves several tournaments, including the men's and women's singles and doubles. Each of the tournaments has its own prize pool. For example, the prizes for singles are typically much higher than those of doubles.

In the next few exercises, we will analyze Wimbledon data for 2017. In particular, we'll examine the total cash prize pool for different tournaments and find out which countries won the most titles.

We'll be working with four data sets:

  • wimbledon_men – contains a list of winners from men's singles.
  • wimbledon_women – contains a list of winners from women's singles.
  • prize_pool_wimbledon – the cash prize pool for each tournament (for winners, runner-ups, and other participants that were playing at Wimbledon in 2017).
  • prize_pool_list – contains info about prizes for the first four finishing places.


Have a go in our playground and get to know the structure of the four datasets. Click I'm done. Next exercise when you're done.