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1. Welcome
Reports with revenue in categories


Hello and welcome to the last part of our course. Previously, we learned to create reports showing revenue values across different periods. In this part, we'll extend that knowledge by learning how we can compare revenue for various categories. Comparing multiple categories is just an example – the aim of this part is to teach you how you can compare various segments of your business. The same rules apply to comparing revenue from multiple departments or cities.

In this part we'll learn how to extend the revenue reports we discussed in previous parts to show revenue across multiple categories. First, we'll create reports showing total revenue in a given period of time in multiple categories:

Category Revenue
Seafood 131261.75
Meat/Poultry 163022.37
Condiments 106047.11

We can also extend this report to show what percentage of the total revenue is made by each category. An example report can look like this:

Category Revenue %
Seafood 131261.75 33
Meat/Poultry 163022.37 41
Condiments 106047.11 26

Next, we'll learn how to compare revenue in multiple periods of time across multiple categories. This example report shows the revenue in 2016, 2017, and 2018: the total revenue and revenue for the beverages and seafood categories:

Year Total Beverages Seafood
2016 208083.98 47919.00 19391.23
2017 617085.27 103924.32 66959.22
2018 440623.93 116024.88 44911.30

As we did often, we'll learn how to show the delta (difference) between the periods instead of the revenue:

Year TotalDelta BeveragesDelta SeafoodDelta
2016 null null null
2017 409001.29 56005.32 47567.99
2018 -176461.34 12100.56 -22047.92

If we want to show revenue for many categories, it's convenient to "flip" the report to show time periods as columns and the categories as rows:

Category Total 2016 2017 2018
Confections 167357.26 29685.56 82657.75 55013.95
Meat/Poultry 163022.37 28813.66 80975.12 53233.59
Produce 99984.57 13885.78 54940.76 31158.03

Are you ready?


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